2012年8月23日 星期四

UGB Super aqua cream($258)

終於入左UGB了!揀了Super aqua cream($258):蘊含豐富高麗人參精華和多種天然植物提取成份,塗抹時溢出的保濕成份水珠,含有大量水份粒子,給予粗糙和暗啞肌膚加倍保濕、滋潤和收緊,由內至外加強保護。質感幼滑清爽,絕不黏立立,讓肌膚迅速吸收,均衡水份,回復彈性和潤澤。

Keep dark and dull skin clean and clear with its natural extract ingredients. Immerse and gently massage your skin with a hydrating dew splash to lift and moisturize your rough and tired skin. Leaving your skin feeling light and fresh, this hydrating cream combines an abundant of moisture absorbing water particles to fill the skin with moisture. It penetrates deep into your skin without stickiness, maintains ideal water balance and enhances the water-retention properties to keep skin resilience and moisturized.

Janisc33 Healthy Cosmetic Box

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