2014年2月23日 星期日

Botani training tape for JANisC staff (內部training用)

Point to note:
(*晚用,可當控油面膜敷T -zone位10分鐘後洗走或30分鐘換一次藥,持續殺菌,令患處改善)

1. 橄欖溫和潔面乳
>橄欖修護面霜(貴用) 或 橄欖修護手霜(平用)

Botani Acai Berry Active Defence Serum 巴西莓活性防禦精華

Botani Acai Berry Active Defence Serum 巴西莓活性防禦精華


蘊含大量抗氧化元素及肌膚所需維他命,為肌膚提供每天之抗氧化保護,抵禦游離基(自由基) 、污染物及紫外線的侵害,同時給予肌膚重要的營養,讓肌膚得到力量回復年青,並保持健康、亮澤,乃對抗衰老的必備武器

2014年2月21日 星期五

The History of Whoo Whitening Intensive HK$50 (5packs)

Whoo重點美白cream,謝謝熟客仔熱烈推介,果然名不虛傳呀!手快有,手慢無架啦! 可以搽眼對付黑眼圈,又可以搽面頰對付雀斑,all in one既whitening cream! 勁!

With a special ointment-like formula, Whitening Intensive is designed to provide natural and localized cover for skin blemishes. 'Chilhyangpalbaeksan' and wild chrysanthemum extract further accelerate the whitening process. Adhering tightly to the skin, the product thoroughly covers up and improves blemishes with a smooth and moisturized finish. 

[Gongjinhyang:Seol - Mild royal court whitening to keep skin fair and clear] 

'Chilhyangpalbaeksan' and mother chrysanthemum extract have been added to protect the skin and enhance the internal functioning of the skin to provide care for concealed spots as well as skin dullness. It is an Oriental medicine-based whitening line for the fundamental resolution of skin problems. 

To Use
After using Whitening Essence or Whitening Jinaek Program, apply lightly to blemishes. Gently tap with ring fingers to facilitate absorption.

相片:Whoo重點美白cream,謝謝熟客仔熱烈推介,果然名不虛傳呀!手快有,手慢無架啦!可以搽眼對付黑眼圈,又可以搽面頰對付雀斑,all in one既whitening cream!勁!

Too Cool for School Quick Draw Eye-liner HKD$149

竟然比 Janis 搵到支好變態既眼線液筆! 有幾變態? 落黎試下tester^^

相片:竟然比Janis搵到支好變態既眼線液筆!有幾變態?落黎試下tester,或者等youtube channel發佈吧~


2014年2月19日 星期三

港島東 Botani分銷店:全線上架 JANisC skincare

First launch special discount:10% off

For more detail, please call 51371665, thanks!

2014年2月10日 星期一

banila co. Clean it ZERO HKD$519 for 3

卸妝? 唔再用油啦!當然用卸妝霜,零油感,避免爆酒米油脂粒麻^^卸妝霜點卸妝?
記得鎖定JANisC的 youtube channel: janisc333

How to use: You use this as your first step in your double cleansing routine. Take a scoop of the oil cleanser using the little spatula they give you, and gently massage the formula all over your face and neck (without water). You can feel the solid texture slowly turn into more of an oil, and you can even see it slowly dissolve your makeup. Add a bit of lukewarm water to your face to emulsify using the same upward, circular motions. Adding water causes the formula to turn slightly milky. Then rinse thoroughly using lukewarm water. (And now you're now ready for the next step: foam/cream water-based cleanser).

Ingredients: Antioxidants galore! This formula contains papaya extract (known for its Vitamin C) and cherry extract (good source of Vitamin A), which fight free radicals to protect your skin from premature aging.

Holika Holika Pig-nose Clear HKD$29

好多朋友都想知豬鼻貼3steps如何貼心清潔鼻仔去黑頭粉刺。其實持之以恆使用,真係有不俗的效果! ! Youtube會詳細介紹,親自示範一下吧!




2014年2月7日 星期五