2014年2月21日 星期五

The History of Whoo Whitening Intensive HK$50 (5packs)

Whoo重點美白cream,謝謝熟客仔熱烈推介,果然名不虛傳呀!手快有,手慢無架啦! 可以搽眼對付黑眼圈,又可以搽面頰對付雀斑,all in one既whitening cream! 勁!

With a special ointment-like formula, Whitening Intensive is designed to provide natural and localized cover for skin blemishes. 'Chilhyangpalbaeksan' and wild chrysanthemum extract further accelerate the whitening process. Adhering tightly to the skin, the product thoroughly covers up and improves blemishes with a smooth and moisturized finish. 

[Gongjinhyang:Seol - Mild royal court whitening to keep skin fair and clear] 

'Chilhyangpalbaeksan' and mother chrysanthemum extract have been added to protect the skin and enhance the internal functioning of the skin to provide care for concealed spots as well as skin dullness. It is an Oriental medicine-based whitening line for the fundamental resolution of skin problems. 

To Use
After using Whitening Essence or Whitening Jinaek Program, apply lightly to blemishes. Gently tap with ring fingers to facilitate absorption.

相片:Whoo重點美白cream,謝謝熟客仔熱烈推介,果然名不虛傳呀!手快有,手慢無架啦!可以搽眼對付黑眼圈,又可以搽面頰對付雀斑,all in one既whitening cream!勁!

