2014年9月17日 星期三

回收計劃 Recycle Scheme


為減低環境負擔,Janisc Skincare 推行【舊瓶回收計劃】,為鼓勵大家參與只回收計劃,以下是Janisc Skincare舊瓶回收的回饋:

凡於Janisc Skincare 購買的護膚產品用完後(只限玻璃及塑膠容器),略為清理弄乾後,帶同會員咭到我們任何一間分店回收再購物,每一個容器可當港幣$1使用。我們會善用如下:

  • 貯夠一定的玻璃及膠樽數量後,我們會運送到回收中心,讓器皿可以循環再造
  • 若客人有需要,亦可向我們索取
  • Janisc Skincare 自用
 Recycle Scheme

To reduce the burden on the environment, Janisc Skincare has just launched Recycle Scheme , to encourage everyone to participate in Recycle Scheme : 

Where to buy Janisc Skincare's products after use (only glass and plastic), make it dry and cleaned , then you can bring the membership card to our stores and EACH CAN GET HKD$1 DISCOUNT. We will use the following: 

  • We will be transported to a recycling center, 
  • If you need it , please contact us 
  • Janisc Skincare's decorative

