2014年8月26日 星期二

100%Pure 檸檬綠茶保濕洗手液(325ml)

檸檬綠茶保濕洗手液(325ml) $94

  • 清新的檸檬綠茶香味
  • 清潔,軟化和滋潤雙手,富含抗氧化劑,維生素和其他抗衰老的營養素
  • 沒有對羥基苯甲酸酯等化學防腐劑,無人工香料,無亞硫酸鹽或其他任何剝離洗滌劑,無三氯生或任何其他毒素

  • 成分:有機蘆薈汁*,有機玫瑰純露*,清酒,皂化椰子油,有機綠茶*,迷迭香,白毛茛,牛至,百里​​香,薰衣草,咖啡櫻桃,石榴,金盞花,葡萄柚種子,邁耶檸檬精油,金縷梅萃取,檸檬烯,芳樟醇*

Lemon Green Tea Hydrating Hand Wash

  • anti-bacterial herbs kill germs
  • refreshing citrus scent
  • cleanse, soften, and nourish hands, packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and other anti-aging nutrients
  • no parabens or other chemical preservatives, no artificial fragrances, no sulfites or any other stripping detergents, no triclosan or any other toxins
  • Ingredients
  • Organic Aloe Juice *, Organic Rose Hydrosol *, Sake, Saponified Coconut Oil, Extracts of Organic Green Tea *, Rosemary, Goldenseal, Oregano, Thyme, Lavender, Coffee Cherry, Pomegranate, Calendula, Grapefruit Seed, Essential Oils of Meyer Lemon,Witch Hazel,Limonene,Linalool * Certified Organic - See more at: 

