2014年8月27日 星期三

Jane Iredale 熣燦滋潤豐唇蜜 Forever Pink Just Kissed Lip and Cheek Stain (3g) HKD$269

Jane Iredale 熣燦滋潤豐唇蜜
 Forever Pink Just Kissed Lip and Cheek Stain (2.3g)

  • 全球首創,以葡萄柚、橙、檸檬皮粹取的全天然成分刺激皮膚上的酸性值而產生屬於自己的粉紅色彩,感覺自然,散發健康魅力,帶走蒼白。
  • 含橄欖油, 鱷梨油、玫瑰蠟及蜜蠟成分,讓您的嘴唇柔軟滋潤,立即注入營養水份,趕走乾燥皮膚。
  • 清香的紅石榴粹取,提供高度抗氧化能力。
  • 經皮膚科醫生測試,成分溫和天然,色彩亮麗持久,結合皮膚的反應,能創造出的天然粉紅色彩。
  • 更可當作胭脂使用,在胭脂位置塗上一點點後,用手指即時輕輕推勻,青春粉紅色彩即時散發。

  • Multipurpose stain uses all natural ingredients to enhance your natural coloring.
  • Non-drying, long-lasting, all-natural stain adjusts to your own chemistry for an irresistible pink shade that will flatter your skin’s undertone.
  • Olive butter, avocado butter and wild rose wax soothe and soften lips. Rose flower wax and beeswax nourish and moisturize.
  • Application to lips; place the tip of the product directly onto the lips and apply desired amount of product.
  • Application to cheeks; apply product directly to cheek and blend with Blending Brush or Foundation Brush.
  • Apply product to one cheek at a time and blend immediately.

