2014年8月27日 星期三

Jane Iredale 保濕護唇霜 SPF15 - 全天候防曬滋潤保護 (4g) HKD$129

Jane Iredale 保濕護唇霜 SPF15

保濕護唇霜 SPF15 - 全天候防曬滋潤保護 (5.2g)
Lip Drink™ SPF 15 (5.2g)獲Skin Cancer Foundation 推介

  • 嘴唇的飲料,不再乾燥脫皮
  • 嘴唇的保養品,超級保濕、滋養、抗氧化。
  • 具物理性紫外線A、B全波長防曬保護效果。
  • 不含動物性油脂及會讓嘴唇變乾燥之礦物油及礦物蠟,特選優質; 植物性油脂及植物蠟做保濕及保護。
  • 不含化學性保存劑、化學性染料及化學性香料。
  • Contains no petroleum-derived products that dry out the lips. People who are regular users of petroleum-based lip balms are on a continual drying cycle
    Provides Broad Spectrum SPF 15 and UVA P++ protection
    • Carrot seed oil to smooth, soften and soothe
    • Avocado oil to protect and moisturize
    • Coffee seed, Blackberry and green tea leaf extracts provide antioxidant benefits
    • Lemon peel oil for a delicious fresh taste
    • Use LipDrink alone or layer it on top or underneath your favorite Lip Definer or PureMoist LipColour.
    • Packaged to appeal to men as well as women.
    • Apply straight from the tube for the ultimate velvety feel.

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